01 Oct Benissanó launches the new sectoral commission for tourism
In the first meeting the new tourist and commercial website of Benissanó was presented to promote the activities of the municipality.
On 1st July the Tourism Sectorial Council of Benissanó approved, in a general assembly, the constitution of the new Tourism Sectorial Commission formed by representatives of the local administration and professionals of the sector in the hotel, restaurant, bar and cafeteria fields and the trade association of Benissanó.
At the end of September, the first working meeting of this Sectoral Commission on Tourism was held, in which aspects and challenges related to this area were discussed, and the working tools for the management of this tourism sector were put on the table, which should be used to evaluate the current situation of the municipality and to propose future scenarios. This working group also talked about evaluating and debating those decisions aimed at promoting tourism in Benissanó. The most important point was the presentation of the new Tourism and Commercial website of Benissanó (https://castelldebenissano.es/).
This website aims to promote all those commercial activities in the municipality and especially all those related to the Castell de Benissanó, a historical building from the 15th century in a very good state of conservation and which can be visited individually on Sundays and with a group on any other day by appointment.
Rafa Navarro, alderman of this area, «tourism in Benissanó has to be an important incentive for local development in both the private and public areas and it is for this reason that, now more than ever, synergies have to be combined to favour this aspect in both areas, private and public». «Around this, the new website, very visual and dynamic, which will soon be in operation, will be a fundamental tool that will help us to attract potential tourists to our town.